BFT SUB R WINTER DX-hydraulic underground motor.

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Hydraulic system operator for 230 V hinged gates up to 1.8 m with deceleration. Maneuver time 14+ deceleration s. The right operator.
Technical data:
* Control unit: RIGEL 6
* Panel power supply: 230 V
* Motor voltage: 230 V
* Input power: 250 W
* Max. door / gate wing width: 1.8 m
* Max. door / gate wing weight: 800 kg
* Maximum angle: 130 °
* Cycle time: 14+ deceleration s
* Limit switch type: operating time
* Deceleration: Yes
* Locking: Open / close hydraulics
* Release: With fixation
* Impact response: Hydraulic clutch
* Frequency of use: for very intensive use
* Protection category: IP67
* Environmental conditions: -30 ÷ 60 ° C